Sunday, March 28, 2010

Free Me, please!

Well, readers, I'm no longer on the West Coast, sadly. But the image above does quite accurately depict how I'm feeling: up to my eyeballs.

Immediately after my last post on the California Academy of Sciences, my aunt passed away and I left sunny San Francisco for cold Calgary. After a funeral and some minor passport befuddlement (note: contrary to popular belief, Canadians do not have magical wizard immunity with the Department of Homeland Security), I have returned to NYC, but I am not free. :(


Anything but. I am now behind in all my courses (eek!) which is slightly alarming because, well... the entire reason why I'm broke in this crazy city is these courses: school is kinda what I'm paying all this money for. Well, that and $%@*!! Manhattan rent. But I digress.

My point in this post is to let you know that I've not forgotten about The Quest. I just have to put it on hold while I work my tail off to get caught up, lest my broke-ness be all for naught. Wouldn't that be a shame? I know you understand. And, well, Rule #2 kinda does dictate that I should feel no guilt about this (and I don't).

But in the meantime, you may have noticed that I've posted The Sources, so if you're hankering for something along the lines of NYC: Free 4 U, please goeth forth to exploreth and plunder this fair urban land! (Well, maybe don't take anything... but do soak up the Free-ness!) And report back here on your findings, young broke squire(sses)!


Image cred: The Curious Incident of Darth Tater and the evil Sand Monster by SBishop

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